Wisdom Wednesday!

The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

-James Allen

Being tranquil is something to strive for daily. Always trying to remain cool, calm and collected in any situation will give you the most success in life. Always remain in control of yourself. Being tranquil allows your mind, body and spirit to rest.

May your Wednesday be Tranquil!

10 thoughts on “Wisdom Wednesday!

  1. Amen…just blogged on the same subject.
    If I were dirt poor, and could wish for only one, thing, and in abundance, having nothing else promised me in life, … I would without reservation, choose’ wisdom’.
    Nothing else satisfies and enriches ones life, as does wisdom.
    H. Bradley Colston

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